
Current Students



2020年05月13日 更新

食(た)べ物(もの)がなくて、こまっているFFLCの学生(がくせい)は、「フードバンク福岡」(ふーどばんく ふくおか)というNPOから、食(た)べ物(もの)をもらうことができます。




Important announcement from Fukuoka Foreign Language College:

Students who lost jobs due to prevention effort of COVID-19 can claim food for free”. If you are a student of FFLC and struggling to get food, Non-profit organization “Food Bank Fukuoka” will provide food for you.
Please read below carefully for claiming food.

< TIME, PLACE, and what to bring >
– You can claim food on every Monday at 3pm, starting on May 18.
– You can do so in a school lobby.
– To claim food, you have to bring your student ID. If you haven’t received your student ID, please receive at the administration office on the 1st floor.
– You MUST wear a mask.
– If you are sick and can’t come to claim food, one of your friends can come to school instead. To do so, please provide (1) your name and (2) the name of your friend who is coming to school, by calling FFLC on the phone beforehand. FFLC Phone # : 092-631-0147

* Only FFLC students can claim food. Those who are NOT an FFLC student is NOT able to claim food.
* Approximately 50 people worth amount of food will be prepared. Food package will include soups, snacks, or banana.
* If the food stock runs out on May 18, you still can make a reservation in order to get food on May 25.